Friday, June 9, 2023

Parshas Behaaloscha 5783

Who Made the Menorah? (8:4)

  • Betzalel (Targum Yonasan; also see Shemos 37:17)
  • Hashem after Moshe threw gold into the fire (Rashi citing Midrash Tanchuma, Behaaloscha 3)
  • Moshe (Sifrei 61)

When setting apart the Leviim, why does the Torah start off by saying "the entire congregation of Bnei Yisroel" but changes to just "Bnei Yisroel"? (8:20)

  • The second mention refers to the firstborn who agreed to give up their privileges (Ohr haChayim)

Who were the people unable to bring the Korbon Pesach and were allowed to bring it on Pesach Sheni? (9:6)

  • They were tamei due to a contact with a dead body (Pesachim 6b). Ibn Ezra adds that it is impossible that for such large camp without people dying every day.
  • They were the bearers of Yosef's coffin (Sukkah 25a) [see Midrash Aggadah who argues that they should have been able to purify themselves].
  • Mishael and Elizaphan who became tamei through contact with Nadav and Avihu (Midrash Aggadah).
  • They were involved in a Mes Mitzvah (Sukkah 25b, Midrash Aggadah).

Who are Hovav and Reuel? (10:29)

  • Hovav is Yisro, and Reuel was his father (Rashi, also see Shoftim 4:11). Chasam Sofer (Behaaloscha 21) adds that the Torah specifically refers to Reuel as the [grand]father-in-law of Moshe and a Midaini since he didn't convert yet, but not to Yisro (who is considered as a newborn because he converted).
  • Hovav, Reuel and Yisro are all the same person, and his name was Hovav (Midrash Aggadah). Rabbeinu Bachya and Ramban add that Hovav was the name given to Yisro when he converted. 

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